Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Back on the same page!

One of the things that we have heard over and over again in the last few months from customers, dealers and nearly everyone we run into is "can't wait until Nashville". In New York last week, many long time customers from California and New York commented that the level of anticipation was off the charts. Some of this may just be an anticipated break from cabin fever, but I think there is something more substantial. The last two years, our shows were separated from their traditional complement, Heart of Country. Despite rumors to the contrary, this separation was simply the by product of complicated facility issues.

This February 17-19, Tailgate and Music Valley will once again correspond with Heart of Country to form what simply has been known in the business as "Nashville". For those of you who have been, we invite you to join over 300 dealers for great antiques & fun. If you have never been, it's an opportunity to take advantage of 3 great shows, wonderful merchandise in a unique mix you won't find anywhere else and to take advantage of the fun that Nashville has to offer. There will be a shuttle service between the shows, making it easy to shop all three shows. Visit either the Tailgate or Music Valley websites by clicking the links to the right, or visit Heart of Country by clicking here for further information.


  1. Just did a post on spring antiquing and included Tailgate and Music Valley. Hope I got it straight and made it clear for my readers. I borrowed a few graphics from you - hope that is okay. Like so many others you mentioned, I can't wait to get to Nashville! What great shows you all put together.

  2. Will there be anyone there who repairs sterling flatware?
